
您所在的位置:网站首页 quite 的用法 quite是什么意思


2023-03-08 17:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1.相当;很;颇You usequite to indicate that something is the case to a fairly great extent.Quite is less emphatic than 'very' and 'extremely'.

e.g. I feltquite bitter about it at the time...当时我对这件事感到相当怨愤。e.g. I was doingquite well, but I wasn't earning a lot of money...我干得还算不错,可是挣的钱却不算多。

2.(用于强调所说的话)很,非常You usequite to emphasize what you are saying.

e.g. It isquite clear that we were firing in self defence...事实很清楚,我们开枪是出于自卫。e.g. That's a general British failing. In the USA it'squite different...那是英国人的普遍缺点。在美国,情况就大不一样了。

3.(与否定词连用,表示语气较弱或不确定)You usequite after a negative to make what you are saying weaker or less definite.

e.g. Something here is notquite right...这里有什么地方不太对劲。e.g. After treatment he was able to continue but he was neverquite the same...治疗之后他又可以继续下去了,可是再也恢复不到从前的状态了。

4.(用于名词词组前,表示强调)出众的,了不起的,不同寻常的You usequite in front of a noun group to emphasize that a person or thing is very impressive or unusual.


e.g. 'Oh, he'squite a character,' Sean replied...“喔,他真是个了不起的人,”肖恩回答说。e.g. It'squite a city, Boston.波士顿,真是一座伟大的城市。

5.正是这样;确实如此You can say 'quite' to express your agreement with someone.

e.g. 'And if you buy the record it's your choice isn't it.' — 'Quite'...“如果你买这张唱片,那是你的选择,不是吗?”——“可不是嘛。”e.g. 'I won't say over the air who it is.' — 'No,quite.'“我不会在电话里说出那个人是谁。”——“对,的确应该这样。”

You can usequite in front ofa oran when it is followed by an adjective plus noun. For example, you can say 'It's quite an old car' as well as 'The car is quite old', and 'It was quite a warm day' as well as 'The day was quite warm'. Note that, in sentences like these,quite comes in front of the indefinite article. You cannot say, for example, 'It's a quite old car'.Quite can be used to modify adjectives and adverbs, and is slightly stronger thanfairly but less strong thanvery.Quite may suggest that something has more of a quality than expected.Nobody here's ever heard of it but it is actually quite common. Take care not to confusequite andquiet.quite 可以用于 a 或 an 后接形容词加名词的结构之前。例如,可以说 It's quite an old car (这是一辆很旧的车),也可以说 The car is quite old (这辆车很旧了);可以说 It was quite a warm day (那是相当暖和的一天),也可以说 The day was quite warm (那天很暖和)。需要注意的是,在此类句子中,quite 置于不定冠词的前面,例如不可以说It's a quite old car。quite 可以修饰形容词和副词,其程度稍强于 fairly,但弱于 very。quite 可以表示某事物比预料中更加具备某特点,例如,Nobody here's ever heard of it but it is actually quite common (这里没有人听说过它,但是它实际上颇为常见)。注意不要混淆 quite 与 quiet。




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